NMN dosering: Het belang van de juiste hoeveelheid

NMN Dosage: The Importance of the Right Amount

Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) has caught the attention of scientists and health enthusiasts from around the world. How? Thanks to a growing number of positive studies highlighting its potential revolutionary benefits. As interest peaks, many people are asking the question: 'How much NMN per day is ideal for me?' In this blog, you will read all about it!

What is NMN?

Before we delve into the optimal dosages, it is important to first explain what NMN exactly is. Nicotinamide Mononucleotide, or NMN, is a vitamin B3 derivative that plays a crucial role in the production of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). NAD+ is involved in many important bodily processes, such as energy production, DNA repair, and regulating our internal clock. As we age, the natural production of NAD+ decreases, leading to the typical signs of aging and a decline in overall vitality. NMN supplements aim to counteract this process by increasing NAD+ levels in the body, which supports our cellular health and energy metabolism. Want to learn more about the science behind NMN and its potential benefits? Then read our blog: What is NMN?

NMN dosage per day

When it comes to NMN supplements, one of the most frequently asked questions is: 'How much NMN per day is optimal?' The answer depends on various factors such as age, health status, and individual health goals. However, there is a general guideline proposed by experts to start with.

  • Start with the basics: It is generally recommended to start with a dosage of 250 mg NMN per day. This amount is based on early studies that showed positive effects on NAD+ levels without significant side effects. Starting with this basic dosage gives your body the chance to adjust and allows you to observe how you respond to the supplement.
  • Increase for optimal results: Are you looking for more pronounced effects, or do you not notice any unwanted reactions? Then the dosage can be gradually increased. Research indicates that dosages ranging from 500 mg to 1000 mg per day can offer positive results, especially in terms of improved energy levels and rejuvenation at the cellular level. However, it is important to carefully consider this increase and, if possible, under the supervision of a healthcare professional.
  • Age-dependent dosing: The need for NMN can vary by age, as natural NAD+ production decreases with aging. Below you will find a handy table that provides guidelines on recommended dosages per age group:


Age group

Recommended dosage of NMN per day

30-40 years

250 mg to 500 mg

41-50 years

500 mg to 750 mg

51 years and older

750 mg to 1000 mg


Please note that this table provides general guidelines. It is always best to seek personal advice, especially if you have specific health issues or are taking medication. So: 'How much NMN per day?' That entirely depends on your personal situation!

What is the best time to take NMN?

Finding the right time to take NMN can be just as important as the dosage. Although there is still plenty of research being done on the optimal timing for NMN supplements, some studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that the morning may be most beneficial. This is because NMN can increase NAD+ levels, which in turn can stimulate energy production and metabolism. By taking NMN in the morning, you may be able to support your body's natural rhythms and experience an energy boost throughout the day.

It is important to note that the response to NMN can vary from person to person. Some users report that they do not experience a noticeable difference in energy levels depending on the time of intake, while others take NMN in the evening to avoid disturbing their sleep. The best advice is to experiment with different times and observe what works best for you.

Different dosage forms - NMN powder, capsules or drops?

NMN is available in various forms, including powder, capsules, and drops. It is claimed that NMN in oral form is more effective because it directly increases NAD levels in the blood. This is attributed to the discovery of the SIc12a8 protein in the blood, which absorbs NMN in the intestines. Each form of NMN supplements has its own benefits and ease of use, depending on your personal preference and lifestyle.

NMN powder

For those who prefer rapid absorption or want to measure the dosage accurately, NMN powder can be a good choice. The powder can easily be dissolved in water or a drink of choice and offers flexibility in dosing.

NMN drops

Drops are a convenient option for people who have difficulty swallowing capsules or tablets. The liquid form allows for dosage adjustment and can be quickly absorbed by the body.

NMN capsules

Capsules are perhaps the most user-friendly option, especially for those who value precise dosing and convenience. At EnduraVita, we believe that our NMN capsules are superior due to their precise dosing, ease of use, and the quality of our product. We invite you to discover our high-quality NMN supplements and experience for yourself how they can contribute to your well-being: Check out our NMN products.

How long does it take for the positive effects of NMN to become noticeable?

Although individual experiences may vary, many people report improvements in energy levels, sleep quality, and overall well-being within a few weeks of regular use of NMN. Like any supplement, NMN needs time to build up cumulative effects in the body. Some may not notice an immediate difference, but this does not mean that NMN has no positive impact. The subtle increase in NAD+ levels can have significant long-term effects on cellular health and aging processes. More information on this topic and possible explanations for the lack of effects can be found here: Do you not experience any effects from NMN? This could be the cause.

The benefits of NMN

NMN offers various potential health benefits, particularly in the areas of anti-aging and energy metabolism. Here are some of the benefits that research and user experiences suggest:

  • Improved energy production: By increasing NAD+ levels in the body, NMN can help improve energy metabolism, leading to increased vitality and endurance.
  • Support of cellular health: NMN plays a crucial role in the repair of DNA and other cellular recovery processes, which is essential for healthy aging.
  • Improved cognitive function: Some studies suggest that NMN may support cognitive functions, including memory and concentration.

When should you be extra careful with NMN dosages?

Although NMN is generally considered safe, it is important to be cautious, especially if you have existing health issues or are taking medications. People with certain conditions, such as heart problems, diabetes, or immune system issues, may need to pay extra attention to the use of NMN. In such cases, it is essential to seek medical advice before starting NMN supplements.

You can always ask a health expert for advice. This not only ensures your safety but also maximizes the potential benefits you can receive from the supplement.


Finding the ideal NMN dosage thus depends on various factors. Starting with a basic amount of 250 mg per day and, if necessary, gradually increasing to 500-1000 mg seems to be a safe and effective strategy. It is important to remember that, although NMN offers promising benefits, it is not a miracle cure. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and a healthy lifestyle remain the key components of well-being. We always advise seeking medical advice before starting the use of supplements, especially if you have existing health issues or are taking medications. 

At EnduraVita, we are committed to supporting your health with products that meet the highest standards of quality and safety. Our NMN supplements are carefully formulated to help you be your best possible self, today and in the future.

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Order one of our Premium NMN products now.

  • Highest purity & maximum biological uptake

    We opt only for the highest quality supplements, ensuring maximum absorption by the body. For instance, our NMN boasts a purity level of >99.8%.

  • Independently laboratory tested

    All supplements undergo double testing and verification in a laboratory for quality, including in NL(EU) or USA.

  • High-quality production (GMP)

    Our supplements are produced according to strict requirements for good and safe production, adhering to various ISO standards within this framework.

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